Tuesday, February 25, 2014

They Are Magnetic...

The unnecessary accumulation of dirt is an annoyance that I wish would become extinct. Have you ever noticed how it mass-duplicates defying your constant efforts to remove it? Dirt comes in many forms- mud, dust and even sticky goo like substances fixed to household furnishings. Wind, rain, and sun magnifies this obtrusive tyrant leading to a never ending cycle of cleaning.
   Some people are not affected by the company of dirt and have the luxury of built in dirt blinders. I secretly wish my eyes were naturally foggy and I didn’t overreact to the sighting of a dust bunny lurking under the couch. Unfortunately, for me and the co-inhabitants of this house, I have binocular vision for muck. It’s a sixth sense in which I can sense the dirt- I can feel it before I even lay eyes on it.
       The filth plays games with my mind. As the sun rises and shines through the newly squeegeed windows I can see the remnants of defeat. My morning view is obstructed by the sloppy smears, the stubborn spots and the resistant residue that I missed while slaving in the cold wind to acquire perfect clarity. I stand defeated and forcefully concede.
Having three children only increases the dirt in my house. It is as if they are connected by a magnetic dirt field and welcome each other with open arms. I have repeatedly thought of posting threatening signs throughout the house advising the dirt magnets to depolarize themselves. Unfortunately, my house still attracts dirt that nestles itself in for the long haul.
The magnetization of dirt vs. children has become a permanent obstacle in my goal to acquire household perfection. However, someday the dust bunnies will be gone, the finger prints on the walls will fade, and the wash room will always be pristine. Until then, I will welcome this unruly house guest and remind myself- without the constant dusting dilemma I might actually miss the little dirt magnets that make this house a home

1 comment:

  1. Mellie
    This was such a cute post...and the pic really seals the deal. What a descriptive way of talking about the muck our kids bring in with them! I am all too familiar with the magnetic pull of "gunk" that seems to follow my three lovelies inside on every approach. Your closing paragraph couldn't be more perfect; it is true that one day we will miss all these little bits of gunk and muck left behind as proof of a house filled with love. Great post! -Jennifer
