To me, silent laughs are times when you laugh in
response to a random memory recalling a moment in time that made you happy.
That little, “Ha-ha” that sneaks up on you as you look out a fog covered window
and see a snow covered field. You subsequently drift off into a land of
memories filled with blistering cold air, cookie sheet sleds and your
invincibility to old man winter. Memories of borrowing your mother’s prized
scarf and your father’s reading glasses to build a ridiculous looking snowman
with neighborhood friends, coming inside to have your mother boil water for
a hot bath in efforts to thaw your frozen toes before they fell off, and sipping
homemade hot coco bundled under a pile of crafted quilts by the fire.
I want
to express that laughter isn't always verbal. It is the memories and stories we stash away in our mind that bring a smile to our face randomly throughout our
lives. I have to admit - All that I’m after is a life full of laughter; A life
filled with silent laughs sparked by the memories that have shaped my life. The
more I experience those little silent laughs, the more I know I have- lived.
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